Genesis To The Revelation

Reentry Intake Program

The Reentry Intake Program is dedicated to providing comprehensive support and resources to individuals returning to society after incarceration. Our mission is to empower these individuals with the tools and guidance they need to successfully reintegrate into their communities, reduce recidivism rates, and build a better future.

Description: It’s a comprehensive and holistic program designed to assist individuals who are transitioning back into society after incarceration. We understand that the journey of reintegration is multifaceted, and our program is dedicated to providing the necessary support, resources, and guidance to empower participants to embark on a path toward a brighter and more promising future.

Join our Reentry Intake Program efforts. Every donation or hour volunteered makes a real impact.

Program Services

Counseling: For individuals who seek spiritual or faith-based guidance and support, our program offers access to experienced spiritual counselors. These counselors provide a supportive environment for participants to explore their spiritual beliefs and find inner strength.

Housing: We have resources through shelters, transitional housing programs, property owners, and housing authorities to assist their families in finding a safe place.


Education and Skill Development: We believe in the power of education and life skill development to enhance employability and personal growth. Participants have opportunities to pursue GED preparation, vocational training, and higher education options to build a brighter future.

Employment Readiness: Provide job readiness training, including resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies. Collaborate with local employers to secure job opportunities for participants.

Healthcare: Connect participants with healthcare resources, including physical and mental health services, resources to obtain affordable healthcare coverage, and connection with local clinics and pharmacies substance abuse treatment, and access to necessary medications.

Family Reintegration Support: Offer counseling and workshops to address family dynamics, rebuilding relationships, and effective parenting skills to promote a supportive family environment.

Ready to join our Reentry Intake Program?
Complete the online application form to get started.

Goals and Objectives

➔ Reduce Recidivism: Lower the rate of individuals returning to the criminal justice system by offering comprehensive support and tackling the underlying causes of reoffending.

➔ Empowerment: Provide program participants with skills, education, and opportunities to improve their employability and self-sufficiency.

➔ Community Integration: Support the successful reintegration of participants into their communities, fostering positive relationships and community involvement.

➔ Public Safety: Strengthen public safety by guiding individuals towards making positive life choices and becoming productive members of society.


The impact of this program can be measured through the following metrics:

Recidivism Rate: This metric measures the percentage of program participants who reoffend and return to the criminal justice system within a specified time frame. A lower recidivism rate indicates program success by demonstrating a reduced likelihood of reoffending among participants.

Employment Rate: This metric tracks the percentage of participants who secure stable employment within a certain period after completing the program. A higher employment rate signifies the program’s effectiveness in helping individuals reintegrate successfully by gaining economic self-sufficiency.

Housing Stability: This metric assesses the percentage of participants who maintain stable housing for a defined period after program completion. It reflects the program’s ability to address the fundamental need for secure housing, reducing homelessness and housing instability.

Participant Satisfaction: Gathering feedback through participant satisfaction surveys helps gauge how well the program meets the needs and expectations of individuals in reentry. High participant satisfaction indicates the program’s effectiveness in delivering quality services and support.


The Reentry Intake Program will collaborate with various organizations and agencies in Texas, including:

Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ): Partnering with TDCJ for access to resources, data, and coordination of services for individuals reentering society.

Local Workforce Development Boards: Partnering with local workforce development boards to facilitate job placement and training opportunities for participants.

Community-Based Organizations: Collaborating with local nonprofits and community-based organizations to provide additional support services and resources to program participants.

Employers: Building relationships with local businesses to create employment opportunities for individuals in the program.

Educational Institutions: Partnering with schools, colleges, and vocational training centers to offer educational and skill-building programs.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Centers: Collaborating with treatment centers to address the mental health and addiction needs of participants.